Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that eventually leads to death. This disease is typically devastating for the entire family involved, as the caregivers of those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease need to provide such intensive and time consuming attention to their ever more debilitated loved ones. The heartbreak of this condition for all involved knows no end. There is no cure for this disease, and it usually progresses gradually over time. For this reason, the early symptoms are often diagnosed as other conditions for years before the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is made. It is typical that the disease is not diagnosed until the symptoms have become quite severe. These symptoms can include confusion, irritability and difficulty in remembering recent events, in addition to a host of other mental and physical problems. Ultimately, the disease affects the functioning of body systems vital to survival and this eventually leads to death. The average life expectancy for a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease is 7 years.

Because the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are usually already severe once a person has been diagnosed, and because it is well known that this disease will lead to death, a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease does not usually encounter difficulty in being considered disabled. A brain scan and a diagnosis from a neurologist will be necessary. If you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s that has probably already happened. There might be an issue regarding how far back time you were disabled since people usually have this disease for many years before they are diagnosed. In cases like this, it is vital to get testimony from everyone who has encountered the Alzheimer’s patient during the time period at issue, particularly any doctors who previously diagnosed the patient with other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

If you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and you have any difficulty in obtaining disability benefits, please let us know. Even if we do not represent you, we would be glad to consult with you free of charge.

We serve clients throughout the Carolinas from our offices in Spartanburg, Greenville, and Columbia.