Will Calling My Congressional Representative or Senator Help?

People who have been turned down for disability benefits often reach out to their congressman or senator for help. Congressional offices have a procedure for inquiring into the status of a disability claim, and they usually do not hesitate to try to help. However, be aware that this congressional inquiry process adds another step to the procedures required at the local hearings office. Because it adds additional steps, a congressional inquiry could possibly slow down the scheduling of your hearing somewhat. In other words responding to a congressional inquiry is another thing the judge’s office has to do on your file, and they are already swamped. Taking this extra step might psychologically make the staff at the hearings office pay a bit more attention to your file. However, keep in mind that the legislative branch of the federal government, Congress, does not have direct control over the executive branch, which contains the Social Security Administration. Think back to social studies and separation of powers. Your congressman does not have the authority to direct action in an individual case because they are in different branches of government. A congressional inquiry might provide some psychological influence on the staff handling your claim, but your congressman has no direct power over them and may not direct their individual decisions under the Constitution.

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